AHA BLS / CPR certification and renewal course


  • Current AHA* guidelines for healthcare professionals (Accredited by American Heart Association)
  • This course constitutes the theoretical part of the BLS/CPR certification and renewal course.
  • Instructor-lead video (from AHA sources)
  • Certificate of completion at the end of the course
  • A hands-on portion at the end of this part is available and mandatory (Included in the total price)
  • BLS certification at the end of the theoretical and hands-on part

*American Heart Association

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Introduction to BLS Certification by AHA

Basic Life Support (BLS) certification, provided by the American Heart Association (AHA), is crucial for healthcare professionals and individuals responsible for emergency response. This certification equips participants with essential skills for high-quality CPR and other lifesaving procedures in various emergencies.

Core Components of the BLS Certification Course

The BLS certification course by AHA covers several critical components. These include performing chest compressions, delivering rescue breaths, using an automated external defibrillator (AED), and handling obstructed airways. Participants learn to recognize life-threatening emergencies quickly and respond effectively, which is vital in saving lives.

Target Audience for AHA BLS Certification

The AHA BLS certification is designed for a wide range of individuals. Primarily, it targets healthcare providers, such as doctors, nurses, paramedics, and other medical staff. However, it is also beneficial for first responders, lifeguards, and anyone interested in learning vital lifesaving techniques. The training ensures that all participants are prepared to act swiftly and competently in emergency situations.

Benefits of Obtaining BLS Certification

Obtaining BLS certification by AHA offers numerous advantages. Firstly, it enhances your ability to provide immediate and effective care during cardiac and respiratory emergencies. Secondly, it boosts your professional credentials, making you more competitive in the healthcare job market. Lastly, it fosters confidence and preparedness, ensuring you are ready to respond when every second counts.