1100: Upon arrival at the emergency department, Eduardo appears visibly anxious and restless. He is diaphoretic, with profuse sweating noted on his forehead and palms. His skin is warm and flushed, and his eyes exhibit mild exophthalmos, with a noticeable stare. When he speaks, his voice is slightly hoarse, and his speech is rapid and pressured.
Cardiovascular examination reveals a rapid, irregular heart rate, consistent with atrial fibrillation. The pulse is bounding, and his blood pressure is elevated at 150/95 mmHg. Auscultation of the heart reveals tachycardia with a possible systolic murmur, suggestive of increased cardiac output. Peripheral pulses are strong and rapid.
Respiratory examination shows that Eduardo is tachypneic, with a respiratory rate of 24 breaths per minute. Breath sounds are clear bilaterally, and there is no evidence of wheezing or rales.
Palpation of the neck reveals a diffusely enlarged thyroid gland (goiter) with no discrete nodules. The thyroid is firm and non-tender to touch. There is no evidence of thyroid bruit upon auscultation.
Neurological examination indicates fine tremors in his outstretched hands, and he demonstrates brisk deep tendon reflexes. There is no focal neurological deficit, but his movements are jittery and hyperactive.
Abdominal examination reveals no hepatosplenomegaly or tenderness upon palpation. Bowel sounds are normal.
Temperature: 101.3°F (38.5°C)
Heart Rate: 140 beats per minute
Blood Pressure: 150/95 mmHg
Respiratory Rate: 24 breaths per minute
Oxygen Saturation: 98% on room air